Why Do Fish Need Aquascape Trees?

Driftwood aquarium tree is a key design feature for decorating waterbodies. But its prime advantage is to give a waterbody a natural look and feel. Here’s how incorporating a driftwood would improve your aquarium 1. Hiding place Aquascape trees provide hiding place to fish. Or you can say that the fish that want to play hide and seek with human could use these plants. They can simply jump into the soft leaves of the plants to escape human eye, light glare or loud noise. 2. Food source Certain varieties of fish consume green leaves they get from underwater plants. Here bonsai could be of great use for your pet fish. It isn’t that you won’t need feeding fish after incorporating bonsai but these underwater plants could cater to their food needs to some extent. 3. Natural filter Underwater bonsai plant would give the waterbody a natural look and feel. Also, it will work like a natural filter for the foreign elements that enter into water. 4. Natural h...